
chirurgia stomatologiczna opole

Tooth Removal (Extraction)


We perform tooth removal as a last resort when there is no longer any chance to treat and later restore the tooth, or where the prognosis after such treatment is too uncertain.

This procedure, just like all the other surgical procedures, is always performed under local anaesthesia.

Before the procedure, the patient should have a meal prior to their appointment, and inform their doctor of any chronic conditions they may have and any medications they may take. Sometimes, a change in medications may also be recommended (as determined in consultation with the attending physician).


After the procedure:


  • The patient is biting on a sterile swab for 15-20 minutes to reduce bleeding.
  • You should refrain from eating and drinking for two hours, and discontinue smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol for 24 hours following the procedure.
  • You should not forcefully rinse your mouth or warm the affected area (you can apply a cold compress at home).
  • You can take mild painkillers, e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen.


Chiselling of impacted teeth (third molars)


Removal of third molars, particularly if they are partially or completely impacted, may require chiselling, which involves raising a flap of mucous membrane above the tooth and removing a part of the bone with a special milling cutter, in order to get access to the tooth. Antibiotic therapy is sometimes used after the procedure. The sutures are removed after about 7 days.




It is a procedure that saves a multi-root tooth when one of its roots is untreatable.
The infected root is removed from the bone and the rest of the roots are used as a basis for later prosthetic restoration. The remaining roots must be root canal treated.
The prognosis for such a tooth is limited, but it should be kept in mind that this is an alternative to extraction, i.e. complete removal of the tooth.


Closure of oroantral fistula


The roots of some upper teeth can sometimes extend into the sinus. This condition can be diagnosed either prior to the extraction procedure or, in many cases, only after it. In such situations, communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus occurs. The condition requires taking adequate measures and carrying out closure procedure, which usually takes place during the same dental visit. The patient receives antibiotic and antifungal therapy.


Root Resection


It is another procedure that saves a single- or multi-root tooth with chronic periapical inflammatory lesions that have not been successfully treated by root canal treatment.

The procedure involves cutting off the root apex portion (approx. 3 mm) affected by such lesions.
The area left after the cut-off root apex is filled with a special material, and the wound is sutured. Prior to the procedure, the canals in the roots must be completely filled.


Abscess Incision


An abscess is an acute inflammatory condition that causes symptoms such as pain, redness of the mucous membrane, and swelling.
If the area containing pus is located under the periosteum or within the mucous membrane.

The doctor may cut or puncture the abscess to allow the infected contents to escape, causing a faster resolution of the symptoms.

A drain is frequently left in the abscess cavity to provide a path for continuous draining of pus content, and prevent the cut from closing too quickly.